Trending Career Categories

1. Business Management and administration
2. Finance and Accounts
3. Law and Legal Service
4. Academic and Research
5. Humanities and Social Sciences
6. Human Development
7. Psychology
8. Earth and Space Science
9. Hospitality
10. Medicine and Healthcare
11. Computer and Technology
12. Infratech
13. Engineering and Technology
14. Civil Service
15. Military and Defense
16. Mass Media, Journalism and Publication
17. Entertainment and Media
18. Visual Arts and Design

Trending Career Options in 2024

There are multitudes of career options, which are reachable via many streams. In time when there are so many career options and very little awareness about it, many students end up getting lost in the deep sea.

Hence, here is a compilation of the biggest and boldest career options that are ruling the year of 2020. One can easily consult this list to know the career options that hold a great future for the next generation.

1.Business Management & Administration

Grown up seeing your parents handling the business? Did you make plans to manage the business one day? Do you feel that you will excel more in a business venture than working for another organization?

If you answered yes to these questions then you must have an hinge for Business Management and Administration.

Every company needs people who ensure the organization is structured, well run, and fullfills its priorities and objectives, which is looked after Business Manager and Administrator. Had the company working without these roles, workers would be left with no direction or formation or implementation of goals. Basically, it’s everything about how a company works and handled by supervising all facets of a company from the lowest to the highest.

Trending Careers In The Business Field


Entrepreneurs are responsible for planning and directing the operations of a company. They also create policies, set goals and meet with potential investors and clients. Entrepreneurs involved with daily tasks also hire staff and prepare work schedules.

Human Resource Manager

Human resources managers are those involved in strategically planning for the management of manpower to ensure they give their best in an organization. They also oversee the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring process and serve as the good link between employees and management. The roles and responsibilities of an HR manager depend on the size of an organization and to what sector it belongs to.

Business Analyst

They collect data regarding problems or procedures within an organization to analyse and conclude probable solutions or adjustments. New methods are formulated based on staff interviews, on-site observation, and review of organization’s documents.

Public Relations Manager

Public relations officers or PROs are incharge of keeping in touch with people they come in contact with. A PR career entails improving communication between the important people who keep the business running, and establishing new channels of communication that may provide the business with more opportunities in the future.

Business Consultant

Also referred as Management Consultants, recommend ways to increase company’s productivity. They counsel on how to make an enterprise more profitable through condensed costs and enlarged revenue. They organize information about a concern and develop procedures for improvement, suggest new systems and changes in the organization, and ensure that improvements are effective.

2.Finance and Accounts

Money is the part of everyday life- and finance and accounts is the sector that deals with it. If one has ever wondered about the production, flow and the process related to it, one can find their curiosity satisfied in this sector.

Finance involves capital and investments managing for governments, individuals, and companies. Professionals in finance work in fields like financial planning and analysis, investment banking, and wealth management. Their role is to create value by handling the capital such that it generates higher than anticipated risk- tailored returns

Accounting involves the recording, reporting and preserving of financial records and reports of a corporation. Such practitioners are responsible for making sure that all financial transactions are reported in the general ledger correctly, that the financial statements are precise, and that the account balance is accurate

Most of the people who opt for a career in the finance and accounts sector stem from the commerce students. Though some courses under this industry are open to students from other fields later, a strong holding in commerce will always be appreciated.

Trending Careers In The Finance and Accounts


Accountants formulate, maintain and check the precision of an organization's financial statements. They make sure that compliance with federal regulations, laws and usually accepted accounting principles It is also their duty to recognize and address any inconsistencies in documents, claims or recorded transactions.

Financial Analysts

They evaluate the financial records and figures of an organization and offer guidance to organizations making investment decisions by reviewing past financial and investment results, as well as gauging potential sales and expenses.

Personal Financial Advisor

Financial advisors aid their clients in understanding their finance and make personal investment decisions. They track the investments and accounts of clients and offer taxes and retirement, insurance, estate planning, mortgages, college savings advice

Management Consultants

A management consultant is a professionally qualified specialist who applies his critical expertise in managing company disputes and disagreements. Management consultants help organizations strengthen their efficiency and expand by problem-solving and discovering new and effective ways to do things. Management consultants have chances to work in corporations with senior management and top executives, and this helps to create good partnerships and a supportive network.

Financial Managers

In charge of a company's financial health, they create plans and financial reports to aid in achieving their organization's long-term financial objectives.

3.Law And Legal Services

Do you want to make a change? Do you get bothered with the unfair activities in the society? Have you always been fighting for the right? Do you encourage individuals to fight for their human rights? If you seem to agree with all these questions, you may find your calling in law and legal services.

As the name suggests Law and Legal Services are extending assistance or services in the field of law. Legal aid acts as an instrument where individuals can get justice and enforce their rights on various social, economic, political, and familial matters. Many students from various streams gain admission to undergraduate law courses every year via entrance exams

The desire to wear the swanky black robes and white collars and gaining inspiration from personal as well as fictional heroes to make a difference in society may motivate you to become law aspirants. However, the legal services are more than the black and white areas, and require you to look into grey. Providing legal services are the building blocks towards attaining justice, which shall be a primary objective of pursuing a career in Law.

Trending Careers In The Law Field

Human Rights Lawyer

Human rights law aids in safeguarding our human rights, the fundamental liberties that should be granted to every citizen from birth to death. Human rights attorneys are at the forefront of fighting abuses and violations of human rights everywhere in the world. They fight cases pertaining to their clients' inherent dignity. They often safeguard the rights of disadvantaged and vulnerable people.

Corporate Lawyer

A corporate lawyer serves the interests of the corporation, provide business advice. Corporate lawyer practices work in areas like tax law bankruptcy, employment, mergers and acquisitions, trademarks, securities, real estate, or international commercial law.

Solicitor or Lawyer

The Role of Lawyer is to work with clients in civil or criminal proceedings, prosecutor, as attorneys for civil proceedings or representing the government in criminal proceedings.


The job growth in the field is very fast wherein one can move ahead to become a judge at District Courts, High Courts, and Supreme Courts. Judges are the upholders of the Judicial System of a country. Judges preside over the various courts of law to administer justice to all parties which seek it


An Adjudicator, also referred to as Hearing officers or Administrative Law Judges are present at all levels of government. They preside over cases that are related to enforcement of laws for economic rule compliance, health and safety regulations, workers compensation eligibility, and hiring discrimination.

4.Academics And Research

Have you observed yourself asking questions to things? Why does this happen? Why is this, this way only? What lead this to that? If you have observed yourself asking such questions, then your inclination might be towards the field of Academics and Research.

The central task of research is asking questions. One may think of an obvious question’s answer only as yes or no, but for scholars it is also about why and how, which has to be proved with detailed weighing of evidence. The purpose of the scientific method is to come up with a theory, test the hypotheses, and then make sure that results can be replicated— and that no other variables have distorted the findings.

In a world filled with unreliable quality of information, it’s difficult to find unbiased, analytical, objective, and reliable knowledge that is contained in the best academic studies. Yet, in scientific studies and journals, essential findings may often be tucked away. Learning how to read studies will allow you to bring sunlight to otherwise obscure issues and information.

Trending Careers In Academics And Research

Clinical Data Manager

In research or survey, the clinical data managers plays an important role where it matters the most- the results. Many scientific investigations are defined by the result they bring, and the clinical data managers not only record the statistical or qualitative results, but also play a huge role in supervising its analysis and recommend interventions to improve the process itself.

Survey Researcher

Organizations depend on data and information acquired through research. A survey researcher formulates surveys and analyses the data to give relevant information to the organizations to make several decisions. Industries apply this information to understand people, assess effectiveness of programs, development of products based on market needs, and even evaluate people’s support on policies.

High School teacher

A high school teacher, more generally called a secondary school teacher, teaches students from the ninth-twelfth grade. the principal aim is to train and prepare the students for college and/or the job market.


A professor is someone, who teaches students at college and university level. These people also conduct research and publish scholarly papers in prestigious journals. Professors work in public and private colleges and universities, professional schools, junior or community colleges, and career and vocational schools

Research Scientist

A research scientist will often spend time conducting the research, write manuscripts and scientific papers to share the research findings and proposal grants. They also present their research to other scientists at meetings and scientific conferences.

5.Humanities And Social Sciences

How are people behaving and dressing and living the way they do? Social sciences and humanities let you explore all that distinguishes humans from the other primates, from the societies that form the world today to the early civilizations we cannot seem to know enough about

In these modern times, humanities and social sciences have grown into ever more exciting career prospects. The companies have become increasingly inclined to recruit young graduates from the humanities and social sciences sector. Humanities and Social Sciences is one of the fastest growing fields in a national environment which is exponentially diverse.

The primary topics studied in the field of Humanities involve but are not limited to Literature, History, Music, Arts, etc. which involves but is not limited to Social Work, Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology, Archaeology etc. Though most of these courses are open to all streams, many who have opted to study arts in 11th and 12th pursue it in college.

Trending Careers In Humanities And Social Sciences


Historians research, analyse and interpret the past using data from various sources, including newspapers, archives, film, photos and letters. Historians also perform research and interpretation in colleges or universities as history professors, while others work in museums, government agencies, or other settings.


Sociologists use various methods to study society and social behavior. Sociologists examines organizations, groups, cultures, social institutions and processes that people develop and apply these to the real world


Archaeology is the Science of study of human cultures. Archaeologists study human history by examining artefacts, which range from prehistoric tools and buildings to animal bones and tiny organisms. Organised training excavations are a useful way of gaining experience.


Philosophers are normally called "thinkers," however, that isn't a satisfactory meaning of a scholar. A Philosopher takes a gander at the world in wonder. They look for the hidden significance of things; the need to get it and classify it into an arrangement of thought.

Museum Conservator

Museum Conservator restores, maintain, or prepare objects in museum collections for storage, research, or exhibit. They may work with specimens such as fossils, skeletal parts, or botanicals, or artifacts, textiles, or art. They specialize in particular materials or types of objects, such as documents and books, paintings, decorative arts, textiles, metals, or architectural materials.

6.Human Development

Do you like people? Are you interested in seeing how people change over time? Do you wonder how families, schools, communities, and societies influence an individual’s personality traits, values and behaviours? Would you like to work with children, teens or older adults? If you seem to be fascinated and in agreement with all these questions then the field of Human Development is meant for you

Human development is a multi and inter disciplinary field that explores biological, psychological, sociological, and cultural aspects of human growth over lifespan to understand how and why people change over time. Some of human development’s area of focus includes lifespan development, family relations, sexuality, the community, culture, and society

The concentration is on topics such as Anthropology, Biology, Psychology, Gerontology, Ethnic studies, Sociology, Linguistics, Neurological Development, Cognitive Change, Social Cognition Development, Genetics, Embryology, Intelligence, Psychology of Sexuality, Adolescence, Parenting, and Aging.

Trending Careers In Human Development

Mental Health Practitioner

They help individuals deal with difficult emotions, mental health disorders, and trauma. They provide therapy and coaching to help clients handle their stress, redirect disturbing emotions, and set goals from themselves. The therapy sessions’ focus is on recovery, better management of conditions, and help clients learn to modify their behaviours

School Counselor

School counselors are available at all educational grades to assess students and help them work towards academic and career goals. They also extend help to dejected students and students with social or academic concerns who require one-on-one counseling

Community Social Service Worker

They help people in need of community resources obtain services in healthcare, mental health, rehabilitation, social work, and other capacities of public aid. They assess eligibility of families, veterans, immigrants, children, homeless individuals, elderly, people with disabilities, addictions, mental or physical health conditions, and even former convicts for services and benefits.

Marriage and Family Therapist

They are responsible for aiding families and couples deal with concerns that may be causing a strain on their relationships. They use various counselling techniques and family systems theory as the grounds of mental health and social functioning.

Human Recourse Professional

Individuals who are work in corporate set-ups for recruitment and guidance purposes for the company employees. Human resources specialists are accountable for screening, interviewing, and placing workers. They also manage employee relations, payroll, benefits, and training.


The Study of Human Mind & Behaviour is diverse. Different people choose to respond differently to the same situation. Thus the field of Psychology is Enormous and ever evolving. Do you like the idea of working to create a change in people's lives? Are you a good listener? Can you keep secrets? Do you have the ability to put yourself in someone else shoes ?

Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. Behaviour is anything a person or animal exhibit that can be observed & Measured in some way.

Psychology has a role in each and every turn of human life right from the birth to death. It is a multidimensional field which includes various domains of study such as Clinical, Sports, Rehabilitation, Human Development, Social Behavior and Cognition.

The Goal of Psychology can be divided into 4 parts- Describe, explain, predict and change the behavior and mental Processes of people. All the professionals in the Field of Psychology strive to achieve one or all of these goals.

Trending Careers Paths That You Could Follow

Counselling Psychologist

Counselling Psychology is one of the largest growing fields of psychology. The Global Pandemic COVID 19 and the other stressors attached to it have increased the demand of Psychologists. The role of a counsellor is to make the clients realize the cause of their problems and to help them learn to make good life decisions and to be independent of the counsellor shortly.

Clinical Psychologist

Clinical psychologists diagnose and treat mental, emotional and behavioural disorders such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, substance abuse etc. A clinical psychologist is authorised to do psychometric tests such as IQ tests, personality tests etc.

Health Psychologist

Health psychologists are experts that study the influence of the mind, emotion and social environment on the body and vice-versa. It deals with how stress affects the body or how bodily changes influence stress. Using therapies a health psychologist could work towards stress management, pain management, chronic and terminal illness management etc.

Industrial Psychologist

Industrial Psychologists are often involved in the hiring and placement, programs, the orientation of the new employees, conducting surveys to look into the efficiency of the human resource, enhancing communication within the organisation, the employees’ personal problem etc

Special Educator

Special Educators are involved in working with children who have cognitive, emotional or social disturbances. Children with mild to moderate disabilities are assisted in following a general education system with mild adjustments done to the curriculum. Severely disabled children are trained with life skills and basic literacy if possible.

8.Earth & Space Science

All of us have heard that our dreams and aspirations should reach the stars. Or that one’s dedication should have the depths of the ocean. There are many such prevalent sayings which stem from the universe and our existence on this planet itself.

Scientists and researchers have stated that our knowledge about the universe is still highly limited despite major advancements. This is actually what makes the field of Earth & Space Science exciting. Most of the study of the universe and our planet can be largely classified as Earth & Space Science. The field focuses on interconnections as well as interactions between the various physical and chemical components on earth and outer space, and further collaborates with the life sciences. This one of the most prolifically advancing fields as of now.

Usually people who opt to study this field are extremely interested in Science courses- specially physics and chemistry. It is quite common for students who have opted for science in 11th and 12th to pursue a higher education in this sector and build a career here.

Trending Careers In Earth & Space Science


This the career options that one will find themselves surrounded with. Just a look-around and one will realise the significance of how important this career option is in the coming years. As the global leaders and revolutionaries voice for environmental conservation and sustainability, environmental science is attracting people with a purpose and will.

Water Resource Specialist

Water is the driving force of the planet, fuelling the continuation of life amongst other things. What is exciting is that it exists all over the planet in many forms. There are gigantic oceans simultaneously existing with little brooks and streams. Whether it is the hot geysers or cold glaciers, being a water resource specialist has many outlooks.


Undoubtedly, being an astronaut means that the journey is going to be unique and adventurous. Astronauts contribute heavily to the industry of space research and their experiences are always uncommon. If one has been thinking of a career that can take off to amazing heights, being an astronaut has the potential to actually take one to the stars.


If one has ever looked up at the sky and felt a sense of wonder, this is where one will find a good fit. Each and every person would remember childhood curiosity about what the sky, sun, moon and stars have in store for them. Hence, a career as an astronomer opens up doors that can take one in many directions.


Looking for buried treasure? The ground has layers of mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Earth is a round mass that sustains life itself, and thus invites one to dig deep and study its properties. Not only that, the branch includes the works of air and water that constitutes the planet and has great implications towards the sustenance of humankind


In the wake of COVID-19, let’s take a virtual trip. Imagine walking into a hotel and being greeted by the receptionist, your baggage is handled by the bell staff, you are served welcome drinks, and after giving a few personal details, you are given your room keys, you settle down and order food through room service. This wholesome experience is the contribution of the hospitality industry.

The hospitality industry is a broad group of businesses and services linked to leisure that provide services to customers. It's focused on the customer’s satisfaction and providing specific experiences and looking after their needs by making them comfortable at their temporary stay. A distinguishing characteristic of the hospitality industry is also the fact that, as opposed to catering for essential needs and services, it focuses on concepts of luxury, comfort, fun, and relaxed experiences of guests.

You must be aware of the age old Indian saying, “Aathiti Devo Bhava,” words used to understand hospitality, welcome, friendliness, helpfulness, warmth, greeting, kindness, etc. This only depicts that the profession has deep-rooted in the Indian Culture.

Trending Careers In Hospitality

Food Service Manager

Also known as Restaurant Manager is an individual responsible for the daily operations of their own or some owner’s food service establishment. They supervise all tasks related to the preparation of food, services, and delegate tasks to staff. They regulate the standards and practices that guarantee that customers are satisfied with their experience, members of the staff are safe, and that overall operations are profitable.


as a profession is in more demand than its superior cousin Chef, whether in Hotels, Restaurant or at Bakery. These professionals are highly skilled and innovative. Prospects of a specialized Baker are very good in today’s world where every auspicious occasion is customized to be started with a Cake whether it is a small birthday party or a marriage reception. There are lots of options to travel overseas and earn money in terms of foreign currency.

Hotel General Manager

Hotel manager contribute in administration and management of hotel for its smooth running operations. They handle finances, manage staff, interact with guests, and look after the property.


A pastry chef is also known as patissier. A pastry chef is an expert and skilled in the making of pastry, desserts, bread and other baked goods. pastry items may include ice cream, cakes, cookies, cupcakes, pies, tortes. The employment opportunities for Pastry chefs are in large hotels, bistros, restaurants, bakeries, and some cafes. Pastry Chefs are unsung heroes of the kitchen are often responsible for the cold food preparation area as well as the pastry shop


Sometimes known as Head Cook, oversees and work intimately with different cooks, make menu things, develop new recipes, decide food inventory need, pricing, meal preps, add final garnishing and presentation, ensuring good quality of service, maintaining hygiene and following all the safety rules and regulations.

10.Medicine & Healthcare

Want to have a career that feels rewarding every moment? A profession that gives one a chance to influence many lives? Dreaming of a job that gives a strong purpose in life? If the answers to these questions is ‘yes’ one will find their calling in medicine & healthcare

Medicine and Healthcare is perhaps the most universal sector. It refers to a vast segment of working professionals who provide services related to physical and mental wellbeing of humankind. There is no denying that life is a gift by itself. Everyone wants to live a long, healthy and fulfilling life. That is why medicine and healthcare is one of the largest sectors in the world, and forms a part of essential services

The sector of medicine & healthcare is diverse and offers several areas where one can contribute, Such as Diagnosis, Prognosis, Treatment, Prevention and Research. To make a Profession in Medicine and Healthcare one has to attain a Medical Degree or a Phd. Additionally, an individual must also have a license if one wishes to practice Medicine.

Trending Careers In Medicine & Healthcare


Definitely one the most sought after and hence competitive profession in the world, this career offers several approaches including allopathy (modern medicine- MBBS) and dentistry, homeopathy, naturopathy, ayurveda and so on. There are also veterinarians, who are health care providers to animals.


Ask anyone they would understand tablets, pills, and syrups as one of the main forms of basic treatment. Apart from providing medicines, pharmacists also work with chemical ingredients and processes to provide several products required during a surgical or treatment process.

Fitness Therapist

Fitness therapists cater to those who want to adopt a healthy body and mind and also support those who are in rehabilitative care. This is gaining huge popularity in cities and attracts talents from many fields, including yoga, psychology and physical trainers.


Healthy eating can never be understated. Several struggle with obesity, heart problems and fatigue or are at a risk to develop severe issues owing to poor lifestyle choices. A dietician or a nutritionist is thus often sought after by those who are currently not suffering from any problems would want to adopt a healthy lifestyle as well.

Clinical Researcher

Many are oriented towards scientific investigations to answer problems posed by health practitioners and people as well with no available cure. They often contribute to public health systems and innovate for solutions. Many Nobel Laureates have been noted medical researchers.

11.Computer And Information Technology

Computer has been one of the miraculous invention of the times. You could earn a passionate career if you are still fascinated by it. Computer and Information Technology is an ever increasing area of possibilities.

Computer Science is related to developing, designing and programming a computer using algorithms. Mathematic formulas and algorithms directs the computer functions. An IT specialist work to assemble the parts, make sure they run smoothly, design networks and databases etc.

. The computer science might fit well for a self-absorbed person as they involve more independent work whereas IT field is a bit favourable for the social ones. Along with design patterns and program structures, the programming languages like C++, Python, and HTML etc. are necessary components of the Computer Science education. Information Technology is about reception, storage, accessing, and retrieval of the data.

Trending Careers In Computer And Information Technology


it involves using the program languages such as Python, C++ etc. to code and set up a software program. The software designs and programs developed must be converted into codes to set them up, analyse and trouble shoot the existing codes. The average salary ranges from 3 to 5 lakhs per annum depending on the experience

Software engineer

Software engineer develops and programs softwares, applications, operating system for the computers etc.

Database Administrator

It involves creation, organisation and updation of data for an organisation or business.

IT Consultant

Their job roles include research and experimentation to meet the organisation goals effectively

Computer Security Specialist

they create customised programs for each company and is on watch for unauthorised retrieval of data such as cyber attacks, malware and viruses


A solid, sustainable, well-functioning and modern infrastructure is the support of socioeconomic growth for any nation. India is presently experiencing a rise in the infrastructure market and has been poised to expand exponentially for many decades to come. There's no doubt it will generate some work openings, too.

This sector is all about constructing novel stuff, developing a "Happy" society, improving people's lives and enhancing the country's economy to steady development. By the end of the day, it leaves you with a feeling of pride and happiness when you think back on your job.

The infratech industry is an arena that continues to expand. As the world's population rises with shifting demographics, there will continuously be increased demand for accommodation, electricity, and other infrastructure facilities. Comparatively more protected from the recession is this market.

The infratech sector is so huge that you'll at no time face any lack of progress or tediousness in this career. Each project is differing in scale, complexity and time-limit than another. Based on your interest and experience you will sculpt your career path in both the sector's vertical and horizontal realms.

Trending Careers In Infratech


Architects work in the construction business designing new structures and the spaces in and around them. They additionally help re-establish and save old structures and grow better approaches for utilizing existing structures. They are associated with construction ventures from the earliest stages directly through to completion.

Urban or Regional Planner

Urban and regional planners develop plans and programs for the use of land. Their plans help create communities, accommodate population growth, and revitalize physical facilities in towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas.

Architectural Drafter

Architectural drafters prepare drawings of architects’ andengineers’ designs for residential, commercial, and industrial construction projects.This is a highly technical role requiring extensive familiarity with design principles,computer aided drafting technologies, and building codes to ensure that drawings are accurate and to present necessary information for construction crews, s, and zoning and approval bodies.

Landscape Architect

Landscape Architect design attractive and functional public parks, gardens, playgrounds, residential areas, college campuses, and public spaces. Their job role also includes planning the locations of buildings, roads, walkways, flowers, shrubs, and trees within these environments. Projects are undertaken that seek to enhance the natural beauty of a space and provide environmental benefits.

13.Engineering and Technology

Do you possess a curious and analytical bent of mind? Do you aspire to influence the world with the tools and techniques you develop? If yes, then engineering and technology is your calling

Today, science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) resolve many of our issues, and graduates of STEM are in high demand. The future will give students chances to focus on things we haven't seen or heard so far.

The broad variety of disciplines under the engineering title means that irrespective of the interest of the prospective student, one facet of the sector is expected to be appealing and engaging. Whether it's mechanical, chemical, civil or electrical engineering, the engineering field has a place for you, whether you like mending, making, designing or constructing.

Trending Careers In Engineering and Technology

Data Science & Machine Learning

Data science is a software engineering division that includes the development of useful knowledge based on large quantities of data. Such massive databases are recognized as big data, and they may come from a number of sources like financial, e-commerce or medical. Machine learning is a subdivision of data science utilized to predict what could occur in the future based on data gathered from what occurred in the past

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering is another conventional arena of engineering that exhibits nonstop demand. Electrical engineering is a very wide discipline that involves, among others: electronic engineering, power engineering, and instrumentation engineering.

Automation & Robotics Engineer

Robotic systems are also excellent at carrying out menial routine activities that do not involve a human worker's dexterity and attention to detail. A robotics engineer is normally a part of all facets of robotic system implementation, design, testing and development. Typically, the robotics engineers are either Mechatronics, Electronics or mechanical engineers.

Petroleum Engineer

Usually, petroleum engineers focus on drilling techniques, the construction of drilling equipment and the execution and monitoring of the crude oil production program. Over the last few years’ petroleum engineering has been in high demand and is expected to carry on to expand over the next decade.

Civil Engineering

Civil engineers are constructing the infrastructure the world is reliant upon. There are several civil engineering divisions that make it problematic to saturate the market and so it's a great sector to be a part of. Major areas of civil engineering involve transport engineering, structural engineering, highway/road and environmental engineering.

14.Civil Services

If you're dreaming of a profession that brings not only lots of authority, respect, influence, and recognition but also a desire to create a meaningful impact in the society, then Civil Services is a very enticing opportunity for you. The Civil Service constitutes the backbone and foundation of the structure of Government of India.

Civil servants are the officers helping government develop and implement policy, maintain law and order, and serve as a bridge between the citizens and government.

These individuals supervise and lead all the other major state and central administration departments for smooth running of the nation.

Trending Careers In Civil Services

Indian Administrative Service (IAS)

IAS officers are accountable for maintaining the law and order and implement government policies. The officers are appointed as the Subdivisional Magistrates (SDM) in a state, and then they gradually take the positions of District Magistrate, Divisional Commissioner, etc. They may be selected Government Organizations’ and Public Service Undertakings’ head and may also act as a Secretary to the Government of India.

Indian Foreign Service (IFS)

They are diplomats who represent India abroad, and can be posted as Third Secretary, Second Secretary, First Secretary, Ambassador, High Commissioner, etc. in foreign embassies, and international organizations like the United Nations.

Indian Police Service (IPS)

An IPS Officer is appointed as Assistant Superintendent of Police and then Assistant Commissioner of Police then they climb up the ladder to be Joint Commissioner and Commissioner of Police. They often work on-field and closely with ministers, media, and general public.

Indian Revenue Service (IRS)

An IRS officer is responsible for the collection of taxes and other revenues for the nation’s economic development. They are appointed as Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax and later the Joint Commissioner and Additional Commissioner of Income Tax. They may also be the Central Economic Intelligence Bureau head, accountable for economic law implementation in the country

15.Military And Defence

Are you a patriotic person determined to contribute your abilities for the interest of your motherland? Does the idea of intruders & Terrorists harming your country enrage you? Most Importantly, Are you tough enough to take part in warfare? If yes, then the field of Defence and Military could be for you!

Military and Defence serves for the protection of the country, its inhabitants and their honour. The responsibility of 15,000 km boundary and 7 neighbouring countries of India is handled graciously by our Military and Defence. India has the second largest military unit within the world. It is not surprising to know that every Indian citizen dreams of becoming a soldier at least once in their life.

The active personnel’s strength of the Indian Defence mounts up to 1.4 million who receive an enormous amount of respect from the civilians. The authority over the Defence is vested in the cabinet and is accomplished through The Ministry of Defence. The Ministry frames policy directions, defence and security related affairs. To become a part of the Indian Military and Defence one has to meet the physical, medical and the educational standards that are prescribed by the Indian Army.

Trending Careers In Military And Defence

Indian Air Force officer

The Indian Air force is responsible for protecting and Securing India's Airspace from any kind of harm through aerial aggression of other countries or Terrorists. In cases of conflict amongst Nations, the Indian Air Force engages in aerial Warfare

Indian Navy Officer

The Navy is a reflection of the country’s technological processes. The Navy's sophisticated ships, submarines and planes require only the country's best talent to operate. The fact that the Navy evolves into a formidable regional force is suggestive of the high excellence of the men manning it. A career in the Indian Navy will let you explore the world and provide prospects for leadership. The Indian Navy's career scope is not only very high but also a highly prestigious profession with many benefits

Indian Army Officer

In the Indian Armed Forces, the Indian Army is the largest and the oldest branch. It trains the individuals to fight on land to maintain national peace and security. They defend and protect the country against all external and internal threats and attacks. The army also helps civilians in case of natural mishaps as well as to maintain law and order.

Indian Coast Guard Officer

Indian Coast Guard, also known as Bharatiya Tatrakshak, is a para-military, multi mission task force constituted under the Ministry of Defence, dedicated in guarding the Maritime Zones of India (MZI).

16.Mass Media, Journalism And Publication

Hesitant to make the crucial baby steps of your career? Here’s a moment of truth, if you can entertain people effortlessly, have good communication skills, maintain good relationships with people and stay connected, you can walk right down the path with absolute grace for mass communication, journalism and publication

Mass media is an umbrella term for a wide variety of technologies, such as radio, television, movie, internet, newspaper, magazine, and periodicals etc., used to communicate with a large group of diverse people. In the modern era, mass media has a great impact on us; our view about ourselves, others as well as the world, sense of right and wrong, we even have virtual role models. This further increases the value of mass media and is thus utilised for campaigns, advertisements and marketing strategies.

Journalism is an area under the broad spectrum of mass media. It is about producing the valuable and systemically analysed information and updates of day to day happenings to people. Journalism serves as the voice of a democratic and secular country like India. It acknowledges the public’s opinions and raises voice for them, educates the public about their rights and stands by them to fight against injustice.

Trending Careers In Mass Media, Journalism And Publication


Journalism is the new diversified sector evolving with the digital era and is full of opportunities. The role of journalists is to inform, educate and enlighten the masses on various issues revolving around them. The journalist provides information in Newspapers, radio, television, internet and various social media.

Broadcast News Analyst

Broadcast news analysts are also called anchors or news commenters, who lead news shows on television or radio stations, informing the public about current events and news on several platforms. Some have expertise in a particular subject like politics, business, or medicine. Broadcast news analysts are commonly called anchors.

Film Director

Whether it is the glitz and glamour of a movie production or the intrigue of a documentary, a director is the one who runs the show and is the mastermind to ring the whole project together.


The role of editor is to polish and refine a story or an article. Editors work in various industries for editing magazines, newspapers, blogs, and books. The responsibilities of editor are to ensure refined and polished work is done, cut and edit the writing work according to content demand

Content writer

Content Writers are professionals that create engaging content either on digital platforms or in physically written matter to increase the value of the product or service to be marketed. They create write-ups relevant to the industry.

17.Entertainment And Media

Over the last 10 years, the industry has been driven mainly by improved digitisation and increased internet usage. For most individuals, the Internet has become practically a conventional media for entertainment.

The Indian Media and Entertainment (M&E) business is the economy's sunrise market and is making tremendous progress. Indian M&E industry, demonstrating its resilience to the nation, is at the edge of a strong growth period, backed by increasing market and client demand and growing advertisement revenues.

Media is consumed by viewers across diverse avenues and demographics like out-of-home (OOH), television, films, animation and visual effect (VFX), radio, digital advertising, music, gaming and print.

Trending Careers In Entertainment And Media

Film Director

A film director controls a film's artistic and dramatic aspects and visualizes the screenplay (or script) while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfilment of that vision.

Creative Writer

Creative Writer create original written works, such as scripts, essays, prose, poetry or song lyrics, for publication or performance. These jobs involve Revising written material to meet personal standards and satisfying the needs of clients, publishers, directors, or producers.


An Actor is responsible for translating a writer’s ideas into a full-blown character with a unique set of gestures, accent, body language, movement and even trademark dialogues


Editors plan, revise, and coordinate material for publication in newspapers, magazines, books, or websites. They review story ideas and determine what material are most likely to please readers and officer suggestions to improve the product and suggest headlines and titles. Most editors work in offices.


Choreographers create original dances that tell a story through movement. They, or their Assistant, then teach the steps to the dance company, which the Choreographer both casts and supervises in rehearsals.


Photographers use their creative and technical capabilities to capture photos of people, places, and things. Photographers generally spend a great deal of time coming up with ways to market their skills to the public, and they are often hired to take photos at memorable events such as weddings, birthdays, and graduations

18.Visual Arts And Design

Do you like doodling with colors? Does editing Images and animation excite you? Are you fascinated by 3D, 4D & 5D images, models and experiences? Do you want a profession that highly encourages creativity? If you think, the answer to these questions is yes, then turn your passion into a profession in the field of Visual Arts and Design

The beautiful (and useful) things that we love aren't all coming from nowhere. Such things wouldn't exist without people with an eye for visual arts and architecture, from the clothing we wear to the paintings hanging on our walls to the buildings we live in.Art is traditionally produced simply because of its aesthetic visual appeal, whereas design appears to be about a product.

You might also argue that a practical design is art. Individuals working in the field of art and design seem to have an equal combination of practical skills and a passion for using colour, space, form and form. The best part about this vivid field is that it attracts anyone with an observant eye, steady hand and innovative mind. Hence, after pursuing 12th from any field, many appear for aptitude based entrance exams to pursue education in this field.

Trending Careers In Visual Arts And Design

Graphic Designer

They combine art and technology to create visual concepts with the help of computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. They develop the overall layout and production design for websites, advertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports


The job of an illustrator is to get commissioned to produce still drawings to use in advertisements, packaging, greeting cards, books, magazines and newspapers. Illustrator job outlook is necessary to make a sound portfolio that can be used to show abilities.

Fashion Designer

They oversee the entire garment production from their initial sketch to final manufacturing. The artwork of applying design, creativity and natural beauty to clothes and lifestyle accessories is called Fashion Design.

Prop, Set, and Exhibit Designer

It is the selection of backgrounds, lighting, props and other materials to design and create the scenery for stage performance productions like movies, theatre, TV shows, plays, etc. It comes under the branch of production design to restructure the look and feel of a particular time, place or location based on the script.

Fine Artist

Fine artists like Painters, sculptors, and illustrators, are the one who specialize in a particular medium and type of art to create original artwork and concentrate on a particular subject matter


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