Ms. Namrata Sinha
- Senior Psychologist & Researcher(Brainwonders)

We use AI to predict your suitable careers

Enter your latest marks and our AI driven model will reveal the best careers for you in just 7 minutes!

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Your report will help you identify the right courses and subject combinations to help you succeed.

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Choose Marks2Career for a goal-oriented approach to your education.


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Approaching education with the accuracy of DMIT

About Us

At Marks2Career, we believe in Earlier the Better especially when it comes to planning for a fulfilling and successful career. Thus, we have matched extensive research on the current jobtrends with the best of AI-powered technology to ensure that your marks help you get swift and accurate career possibilities suited for you!

The top researchers, psychologists, educators, and career counsellors have put together 50 years of their experience to bring the best industries and careers for you!

So that s the short version of how Marks2Career has been crafted to help you write your career aspirations into a success story.

Your marks are the
gateway to your future.

Make the best of your marks by identifying the career options available to you and grooming
yourself for it as soon as possible.

Here are the 3 magical steps that will take you the career of your dreams in Rs. 199/- only:

Fill in your details

Enter your marks

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And what's more, you can also connect with our experts for more career counselling & guidance services!