Are you aware which subjects and courses will bring you closer to your dream career?
Worry not, because the Brainwonders test and guidance will not only help you know it, but also follow it!
02 November,2022 | By Brainwonders
When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969, children worldwide saw stars in their eyes and dreamed of a career that had never been before: being an astronaut.
A lot of things have changed over the past few years. Despite many career options available now, many children still desire to travel to space and explore the possibilities of being an astronaut.
Being an astronaut is undoubtedly a difficult task. But with the proper career guidance, you can achieve the desired goal.
Nasa needs to maintain a vast workforce. There are very few active Nasa astronauts. In the last 50 years, less than 600 people have gone to space. In 2003, from 6000 applicants, only eight were selected as NASA astronauts. But all it takes is a dream to explore the area, and with the right direction, you can achieve the goal of being a NASA astronaut.
Astronauts are the individuals who fly in outer space. The word astronaut is an amalgamation of 2 words- Astro - celestial body/star and nautilus - sailor. Which together means star sailor/ someone who sails through the stars.
In the beginning, astronauts were only believed to document events in space. Later it was noticed that more than having these events recorded is needed. Human interaction is essential for it.
There are two types of astronauts :
When it comes to space flights, NASA astronauts have a variety of roles.
They are in charge of a space mission and are ultimately responsible for the most crucial choices. The pilot and the commander collaborate closely. Other astronauts take on the mission specialist role, requiring them to use specialized talents or knowledge.
Astronauts who work as mission specialists aid pilots with experiments, satellite launches, and spacecraft and equipment maintenance.
Pilots and commanders of the space shuttle and the international space station are astronauts. They control the crew, the mission, its success, and the safety of the flight.
Astronauts also execute a variety of routine duties to keep space stations operational. The staff cleans and inspects the equipment and repairs any broken items. They also exercise for two hours daily to keep up with the job's physical demands.
College degrees do not provide a direct course to becoming an astronaut. Everyone working in NASA or any other space organization is mostly an expert in Math and Science. Since they meet all the requirements of Nasa, they are hired into the NASA team.
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A master's degree is required, and at least two years of relevant professional experience for aspiring NASA astronauts. They must complete at least 1,000 hours of pilot-in-command time on a jet plane.
-A degree from an accredited institution in a STEM subject, such as engineering, biological science, physical science, computer science, or mathematics, is required.
-NASA astronauts must pass the NASA astronaut physical test for long-duration flights.
-The Astronaut Selection Board studies and evaluates each candidate's qualifications, and the board selects a small group of the best candidates for interviews at NASA's Johnson Space Center. About half of the candidates interviewed are invited back for follow-up interviews.
-The new NASA astronaut candidates are chosen from this group. The following two years are spent learning fundamental astronaut abilities. These abilities include managing the space station, flying T-38 jet planes, etc.
Before the newly picked class of NASA astronauts is certified as astronauts ready for flight, they must undergo an intense process. NASA astronauts need to learn how to spacewalk, drive planes, and operate on the International Space Station as their fundamental training.
There is also basic training for NASA astronauts for physical assessment for swimming, military water survival, scuba diving, and essential activities like atmospheric pressure tests.
With the proper career guidance, people can choose the right career opportunities. Career counsellors evaluate an individual's abilities and interests before offering career advice to help them choose a career path that is right for them. Becoming an astronaut is a huge decision one has to make. Hence, career guidance can help individuals select the right career and help them achieve the dream of being an astronaut.
Find out if you have the aptitude to become an astronaut with the correct career guidance at Bainwonders!
The pathway to your dream career is what will shape your skills and knowledge