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The interest-aptitude test is an ability test that measures specific competencies in multiple aspects. It contrasts the multiple skill sets and preferences present in a person. This gives an occupational profile to understand the varying facets and individual strengths and areas that need to be developed.
The teenagers of 8th-12th standard of CBSE/ICSE/IB/IGCSE and State Boards use the test to track their development across various facets. They understand their profile which helps them in taking care of major challenges like board exams, stream selection, entrance exams, and even college selection. The analysis and counselling list out various suitable options and allows the individual to start specialising their focus and efforts onwards the opted goals and targets.
For high-school students, the whole period is defined by several life-altering decisions. There is a lot of pressure, personal expectations and future-oriented thought that one has to deal with. Considering the same, the Interest-Aptitude Test has various advantages:
In some boards like ICSE, the process of subject selection begins at 8th standard itself. Furthermore, every board requires the student to choose streams like humanities, commerce or science with optional subjects post 10th standard results. Knowing the skills developed and growth chart helps in making a wise decision.
Most of the students at this age fall prey to media hype, parental expectations and peer pressure. They often end up following a herd mentality and end up making unfulfilling career choices. Using the aptitude -interest test, one can make choices that are unbiased and suitable.
Parents are the biggest supporters and motivators of their child’s journey to success and happiness. Hence, the career counseling and the test employs tools to set the roadmap for both the parents and the child.
An in-depth understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses paves way for intervention points and areas for growth, which helps one in improving their academic performance via appropriate study methods.
Self-understanding and clarity of goals keeps one focussed and determined. Several studies have reported that having clear direction and career guidance improves one’s efforts and performance in contrast to students who are confused about their future prospects.
As standard 8th-12th students require understanding of their talents, using the interest-aptitude test helps in dividing their time and energy effectively between several activities and give them the space to excel multidimensionally.
Whether the student is on the State Board like SSC/ HSC, a National board like CBSE and ICSE or an International Curriculum like IB/ IGCSE, it is certain that one may not have explored all possible subjects and careers in the world at such a young age. Hence, the interest-aptitude test results allow one look at the top career options individually and prepare accordingly.
It is widely known that any lucrative job demands at least an undergraduate degree. Thus, for college- it becomes important to understand that one needs to prepare in high school itself- choosing the right subjects, securing marks to meet eligibility criteria and rank on merit list, excel at entrance examinations and apply to good colleges to secure admission. The Interest-Aptitude Test and counselling is the way for that.
The results of the Interest-Aptitude Test is important in understanding the current and even future challenges. It thus also provides a solution for the students to prepare ahead and balance their favourite subjects with the ones bringing them down in order to secure their ideal careers and contribute to their suitable field.
The Interest-Aptitude Test can be taken online in four simple steps
The Brainwonders interest-aptitude test is in a multiple choice format and is timed (online or offline).
As an objective test, the inputs of the clients are scored using standardised key
The obtained scores are analysed to gain an understanding of the personal traits and competence
The procedure concludes with a counselling session where a counsellor explains the report in detail and discusses job options along with valid suggestions (online or offline).
Take the first step towards fulfilling career!
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What is an Interest-Aptitude Test?
An Interest-aptitude test is a measurement of human interests and developmental areas leading to career decisions.
What are the advantages of an online Interest-Aptitude Test?
The Interest-Aptitude Test has been known to help in knowing one's likes, interests, areas of concern and provides a job profile.
What are the benefits of taking Brainwonders Interest-Aptitude Test?
The Interest-Aptitude test is mainly used to generate and guide a career profile for subject and course selection.
Can you take an Interest-Aptitude Test Online?
Yes! Brainwonders interest-aptitude test is available online for all age groups. One can register for and take the same via the Brainwonders Official Website.
How effective is an Online Interest-Aptitude Test?
The Brainwonders online interest-aptitude test is highly accurate and well researched which allows one to make career decisions quickly with complete understanding of future prospects.
What are the advantages of an Online Interest-Aptitude Test ?
Interest test is one of the most time-tested and reliable test when it comes to the field of education and career. From selecting a job to achieving success in it- the online effective test answers many life queries.