DMIT Test for children is an extremely popular choice. Childhood- DMIT test age limit which is basically the age of 6 years to 12 years is a crucial age for any individual. Considering that almost 90% of brain development has been achieved before as one reaches this phase, this becomes a crucial period for the student, parents and teachers to definitively regulate a child’s developments during this time.
As school education booms to become a very competitive industry- it is only getting tougher for students to happily select the right board like CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE, IB, or State Board (SSC) and succeed through the primary and secondary school years. Needless to say, there is a lot of trusts that a parent places in the school system to take care of their children.
Hence, Brainwonders DMIT Test utilizes fingerprint analysis for child to map the complete inborn profile of a child to find the right nurturance that will help the child to bloom.
The inborn personality traits and characteristics shape any child's relationships- weather it is with the friends or teachers.
Knowing the right learning style will aslo help in setting up the right teaching environment to amp up the classroom learning.
the left (analytical) and the right (creative) brain analysis contributes to knowing and effectively using the prefered approach to the life.
Identifying the student's best qualities using their SWOT profile will foster multidimensional growth.
This would help any child to forge trustworthy and supportive relationships with their parents, peers and teachers.
It is a researched fact that the neural network expansion in the areas of frontal, parietal and temporal lobe is rapid during this time. Thus, the child has started gaining a deeper understanding of the processes surrounding him/ her and functions like memory, language, emotional processing are heightened. Hence, knowing the child’s inborn potential and traits via DMIT Test allows the parents and mentors to nurture the child effectively.
As a parent, there are several investments- emotional, physical and financial commitments one puts towards bringing up a happy and successful child. Thus, here are some aspects we cater to to make sure that your efforts are not a shot in the dark:
Whether the child is having trouble making friends or is being a little rebellious, we have got you covered with our analysis of how does the child comprehend and react with their surroundings- and think and behave accordingly. This will actually be useful to help a school teacher, a coach or any other mentor supervise the student’s behavioural traits.
SSC/ ICSE/ CBSE/ IB/ IGCSe or other; which board brings out the best in your child? There are several curriculums to opt from, but only one of them will be the best fit for any student. Choosing a board which contributes to grooming a child to the best of their abilities and inspiring a student to identify and ahieve their short term and long term goals has significant impact. So before you look up ‘ best school near me’ look up your child’s profile first to find the best one for your child!
Often we would teach a student the way we learn. However, if some students learn better pictures- forcing them to write down repeatedly would be counterproductive and would actually irritate a child’s learning and study process. It is unfair to make a child labour through academics pointlessly. Using the right learning style will ensure that the process of gaining knowledge is an enjoyable and productive one.
From 6th standard itself a school starts providing options to learn subjects like additional languages and computers. Thus, the child needs to start streamlining their options to align with their future vision. Knowing that it is difficult to have that foresight at such an early age, a detailed DMIT Test analysis helps in understanding the challenges and strengths side-by side to timely capitalise on the child’s profile instead of putting the child through trial-and-error perspective.
As the world gets more and more competitive, a report card by itself falls short of making the student shine. Imagine if the student has a vast potential to perform theatrical acts, but she/he is never on stage- the student will lead an unsatisfied and unfulfilled life. However, we cannot pressurise the child and force them to attend each and every activity class- this would stress them out. Thus, knowing their strengths and assets would help in focussing the time and energy to make that talent shine. It would also help in strategically motivating the child to explore certain skills they are not comfortable with.
Whether the child is having trouble making friends or is being a little rebellious, we have got you covered with our analysis of how does the child comprehend and react with their surroundings- and think and behave accordingly. This will actually be useful to help a school teacher, a coach or any other mentor supervise the student’s behavioural traits.
SSC/ ICSE`CBSE/ IB/ IGCSe or other; which board brings out the best in your child? There are several curriculums to opt from, but only one of them will be the best fit for any student. Choosing a board which contributes to grooming a child to the best of their abilities and inspiring a student to identify and ahieve their short term and long term goals has significant impact. So before you look up ‘ best school near me’ look up your child’s profile first to find the best one for your child!
Often we would teach a student the way we learn. However, if some students learn better pictures- forcing them to write down repeatedly would be counterproductive and would actually irritate a child’s learning and study process. It is unfair to make a child labour through academics pointlessly. Using the right learning style will ensure that the process of gaining knowledge is an enjoyable and productive one.
As the world gets more and more competitive, a report card by itself falls short of making the student shine. Imagine if the student has a vast potential to perform theatrical acts, but she/he is never on stage- the student will lead an unsatisfied and unfulfilled life. However, we cannot pressurise the child and force them to attend each and every activity class- this would stress them out. Thus, knowing their strengths and assets would help in focussing the time and energy to make that talent shine. It would also help in strategically motivating the child to explore certain skills they are not comfortable with.
From 6th standard itself a school starts providing options to learn subjects like additional languages and computers. Thus, the child needs to start streamlining their options to align with their future vision. Knowing that it is difficult to have that foresight at such an early age, a detailed DMIT Test analysis helps in understanding the challenges and strengths side-by side to timely capitalise on the child’s profile instead of putting the child through trial-and-error perspective.
Thank you for contacting us, We will get back to you soon!
Watch People from Different Backgrounds talk about their experience with Brainwonders.
Jagjit Roy
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Siddharth & Depali Sharma
A happy Parent Suggest About Brainwonders DMIT.
Is Dermatoglyphics testing scientific or Medical basic?
Dermatoglyphics testing is firmly rooted in science, offering a unique perspective on your natural abilities without any medical complexities.
How accurate is the dermatoglyphics multiple intelligences test?
It's totally accurate! But the research behind our test is rigorous and deep—we reveal in it what your multiple (not one) intelligences are.
How Will a Dermatoglyphics Assessment Benefit Me?
Every child possesses unique qualities and potential. If through scientific methods, we can understand a child's innate characteristics and aptitude, we can better teach them. If one is naturally already strong, with more clarity, the strong gets stronger. However, if one is naturally already weak and then is not developed in later life/stages, one may lose that ability. As such, it is vital to give the accurate and right stimulation as soon as possible to avoid the deterioration of precious ability.
DMIT Test Near Me
Brainwonders is India's Largest Career Counselling and assessment company, offering the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT). We have 108+ locations across India. To find a Brainwonders DMIT test center near you, you can check their website at brainwonders.in or call +91 9987766531 / +91 9987422220
DMIT test Cost?
The DMIT test price anywhere in the range Rs. 5900/- to Rs. 8,000/-. The DMIT test cost of Brainwonders includes a lot of benefits. To get the best costing please do connect on 9987766531.
What is DMIT?
Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is a scientific method developed based on the study of fingerprints dermal ridge formations on the skin. It is rooted in the research that the patterns on our skin are correlated with innate potential and unique attributes and can provide insights into an individual's innate talents, learning style, and potential areas of strength.
How does the DMIT Analysis Work?
The DMIT test works by collecting and analysing genetically defined fingerprint patterns. These patterns are believed to be genetically linked and reflect the innate potential of any person. The analysis involves identifying various intelligences, such as logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, kinesthetic, and naturalistic. The results are then used to provide insights into an individual's strengths and weaknesses, helping guide career choices and educational paths.
What is the meaning of DMIT?
Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test
The full form of DMIT is, Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test. This scientific method studies fingerprint patterns in relation to brain lobes, a helping person’s natural abilities, strengths, an individual’s unique innate potential, and personality traits. This technique connects dermatoglyphics (the study of skin patterns, especially fingerprints) with multiple intelligences, helping individuals understand their unique inborn potential. The DMIT technique was developed through the research of Dr. Howard Gardner and medical experts.
What are the benefits of DMIT?
DMIT Test not only reveals the best Stream to choose after 10th but also makes available an entire career map. In that the DMIT Test has been devised to find the various strengths of the various lobes of the brain and find the appropriate career options relating to them.
Benefits of DMIT (Dermatogliphics Multiple Intelligent Test)
DMIT is a technique by which individuals can analyze their own fingerprint patterns and be able to determine inborn characteristics, strengths and abilities. This information is helpful in the selection of a appropriate course and backup plan.
The test indicates the most effective learning method of an individual whether visual auditory or kinesthetic facilitating learning strategies aimed enhancing academic performance.
The use of DMIT as a predictive tool on multiple intelligences and personality traits helps occupational guidance in making career choices that best suit the individual.
DMIT enables parents and educators to appreciate the intrinsic capabilities of the child thus making them capable of providing support and direction that compliments each child’s abilities.
Understanding one’s traits and the style of communication improves interaction with others resulting into better interactions within one’s family, friends or work mates.
When people know their strong points and get working in areas that they are suitable; they tend to be more fulfilled, contented and mentally healthy with less stress.
Can we do a DMIT test at home?
An online DMIT test can help you identify the best path for your child’s success, saving time that might otherwise be spent on less effective approaches. DMIT can be conducted not only through in-person meetings but also conveniently online.
What is the success rate of the DMIT test?
The DMIT, or Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test, reveals a person’s inborn intelligence and serves as a lifelong assessment. Its results are over 95% reliable.