Take Brainwonders Career Test and make the right decisions for your college and course ahead
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29 September,2020 | By Brainwonders
Pre-board exams play a significant role in a student’s life. This exam is specially developed to prepare students for the final board exam. These tests closely give a rough prediction of the student’s actual results that eventually decide the student’s career. For instance, if you score 70% in your pre-board exams, you are likely to score 75-85% in your board exams. It is imperative to be well prepared with the syllabus and revise before taking the pre-board tests.
The pre-board marks are not counted in your final results and although pre-board exams aren’t compulsory, each and every school enforces their students to answer it.
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1. Pre-board exams are like warm-up session before a good exercise.
Pre-board exams will give you a demo experience of the actual exam. It will give you a first-hand experience of how you are expected to answer. These exams will expose you to various kinds of difficulties and will give you an opportunity to tackle it. This exam is basically like a practice session for the students.
As pre-board exams will expose you to various kinds of stress, the experience makes it easier for you to cope during the actual board exam. The pre-board tests will help reduce your worries and will also build confidence.
3. Know where you stand
Answering a pre-board exam will allow you to understand where you stand. Based on your experiences and results, you will be in a better position to work on your shortcomings. The results will help you realize which subjects require more attention. Then focusing more on those subjects will help in obtaining better results for the final exams. Teachers too can better assist you once they’ve understood your strengths and weaknesses.
4. Pre boards are the real test
Your board ranks are determined by your pre-board because it is a preparation that aggregates your consistent learning and its efforts. Some of you may take it lightly because the marks obtained in this exam will not be evaluated in your mark sheet. But remember that one can only improve by few marks at a time and that pre boards are essential in fixing your marks in the actual exam.
5. Pre preparations can get you better results
Getting ready for pre boards will get you relaxed for the main exam. Then, all you are left with is revision. Not taking pre boards seriously can get you in serious trouble. You will be overloaded with too much syllabus to cover. Getting prepared prior to the main exams is less stressful and promises a better outcome.
6. Pre boards makes planning and strategizing easy
Once you know where you stand in your pre boards it will become easier to plan for your main exam. You can use strategies to study better. You can also work on your writing speed and your learning approach. You can plan a timetable and follow it to revise and focus on subjects that need more attention. This way, you can cover up for your weakness just in time.
7. Stricter checking and cautious paper setting
Unlike other examinations that happen round the year, schools follow an alternate system to set up the question papers for Pre boards and checking of answer sheets. All things considered, checking is stricter in Pre boards by about 20 percent. Strict corrections are meant to bring out better outcomes in the finals.
Lastly, even getting a career guidance assessment from renowned counselling centers like Brainwonders and answering psychometric tests such as IQ, Interest, Aptitude, and personality can get you sorted for pre boards.
Also, always know that pre-board tests are only a marker of how your final board tests will go. Therefore an average or a poor score doesn’t mean you won’t make it at your board tests. It just implies that you have to work harder and ensure you are ready for the last board assessment.
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Take Brainwonders Career Test and make the right decisions for your college and course ahead