How will you live up to your potential if you don't know it?
Get your U.S. Patented DMIT analysis and lead the way to a happy and successful career
29 September,2023 | By Brainwonders
Brainwonders crosses another significant milestone as the Early Childhood Association (ECA) chooses to proudly confer Brainwonders DMIT Product. The U.S. Patented Biometric test which understands the child’s innate traits using the genetic fingerprint patterns and analyses.
The Early Childhood Association is headed by Dr Swati Popat Vats. The Association is set up with the vision that everyone connected to young children can all come together to advocate, discuss, learn and share, connect and bring about a change in the quality of care development and learning in early childhood in India.
Similarly, Brainwonders aims to bring an easy and affordable profiling tool i.e DMIT which will enable parents to truly know their child’s talents and best learning method so that they can help them realize their full potential. Brainwonders has already assisted around 232832 parents to understand their child’s true abilities. This accreditation is yet another feather to our cap of accomplishments. As Dr. Swati Popat Vats said, “In today’s world, it is very important to understand and match the child’s learning to their Brain development- and this is what Brainwonders does!”
Recommended Read: Career Confusion? DMIT has the Answers
Psychologists and development researchers have proposed a number of different theories that emphasize the importance of early child development and care. Most psychological theories talk about the importance of cognitive development and the social learning process from infancy to toddlerhood and throughout childhood. Even various personality theories like psychodynamics and gestalt often discuss the significance that early stages of human development has on adult life decisions.
The DMIT test results have proven to provide an extensive amount of assistance to parents. Here are 5 reasons why early assessments is essential for early development:
To conclude, early assessment is one of the most unparalleled ways of helping children prosper in all aspects of life. Brainwonders shows immense happiness to Dr Swati Popat Vats for giving an opportunity to associate with a cause that endeavours to achieve a bright future for children.
Get your U.S. Patented DMIT analysis and lead the way to a happy and successful career